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Howto Install SlapOS Node (Comp-123) On Rapid.Space KVM

Howto Install SlapOS Node (Comp-123) On Rapid.Space KVM
  • Last Update:2024-10-12
  • Version:002
  • Language:en

Install SlapOS Node (Comp-123) On Rapid.Space KVM

This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing a SlapOS node on a computer. A regular node (referred to as COMP-1,2,3) is used by the SlapOS Master to install software on the node and then provide instances of this software within computer partitions. For details please refer to the SlapOS introduction.

Note, that there is one node referred to as COMP-0 throughout the documentation, which provides services to SlapOS Master (COMP-ROOT) besides regular nodes like the one we are going to install here (called COMP-1,2,3...).

Unlike installing SlapOS Node on other computers (XXX howto), we don't install re6st for Rapid.Space to have SlapOS Node installed. 


  1. Requirements
  2. Get SlapOS Master Token
  3. Association Token
  4. Access KVM
  5. Single Line Installer
  6. Verify SlapOS node
  7. Verify Registered Servers on Panel


For this tutorial you will require a SlapOS Master user account, which can either be your own installed SlapOS Master or a commercial service like Rapid.Space to register your node and another computer on which to install the SlapOS node. The tutorial will use an arbitrary GNU/Linux KVM from Rapid.Space with wget installed. 

Get Compute Node Token

Follow How to Access Projects to access Project page

When using the single line installer, you have to provide a X509 security token to identify your node with a SlapOS Master and enable it to manage the node within a network. To get such a token, in the subheader, click Token.

Association Token

Click Add Compute Token to request a token. Once it's generated, copy the token for later. Note, that the token can only be used once. If the installation of SlapOS fails for whatever reason and you need to retry, you need to request a new token before. Head back to the terminal.

Access KVM

If you have installed IPv6 (HowTo Install IPv6 inside the VM) and ssh server (apt install openssh-server) inside your VM, you can now access it with the command: ssh [your_username]@[your_IP]

You can also refer to:  How To Access A KVM Via Ssh On Rapid.Space

Single Line Installer

# sudo su -
wget && bash slapos
# What is the url to the SlapOS Master API?  (ignore if you already have a configured re6st and slapos): []: 
# What is the url to the SlapOS Master Website?  (ignore if you already have a configured re6st and slapos): []: 
# Name your computer (ignore if you already have a configured re6st and slapos or if you don't want to register your computer to SlapOS Master): [noname]: Your_computer_name
# Input your slapos token (ignore if you already have a configured slapos) [notoken]: Your_token
# Which interface will provide IPv6? (ignore if you already have a configured re6st) [lo]: ens4
# How many SlapOS computer partitions would you like? [10]:

Continue and use the single line installer. You will be asked a set of questions during the installation. As you are connecting to SlapOS master, you are supposed to skip the first two questions.

Choose a name for your computer (like SOFTWARE-BOX-1 to identity it in your network and finally enter the association token you have received earlier from your Rapid.Space panel and input ens4 for IPv6 interface (if you are using Rapid.Space KVM).  

Once the installation has finished without errors, you should see:

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************                  : ok=13   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0   

Note: In case installation fails and you want to start over, you need to request a new token as mentioned above and, depending on whether already created, remove any existing configuration in /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg before restarting. For example, while you install SlapOS node in Rapid.Space KVM, you keep the default interface "lo" , you have to remove /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg before restarting. 

Verify SlapOS node

You can verify that SlapOS was installed by trying:

root@slap-node:~# slapos node
watchdog                         RUNNING   pid 657, uptime 27 days, 20:01:48

And (re)formatting the SlapOS node:

root@slap-node:~# slapos node format --now
2021-02-18 14:43:12 slapos[16923] INFO Updating computer
2021-02-18 14:43:13 slapos[16923] INFO Posting information to ''
2021-02-18 14:43:14 slapos[16923] INFO slapos successfully prepared the computer.

Verify Registered Servers on Panel

You can either click "Compute Nodes" in "JUMPS" of the Project or head back to your Rapid.Space Panel and verify the list of servers now includes your SlapOS Node which was associated to your network using the token you had created. You may have to refresh the page for the server to show up.

Note, the entry has 2 clickable areas:

  • The line itself (click server name for example) points to the server configuration
  • Clicking the Computer button will open the monitor - the green color indicates the server is active and contacting the Master (yellow points at connection issues with the computer or one of its partitions, red means the computer has lost connection)