
ERP5 Site Contact

ERP5 International: a quick call for long term success

Selecting the right partner for an ERP5 implementation is the first and most important decision towards success. ERP5 International, a Nexedi Business Division, has been created to help you analyse the best options and find the most appropriate partner for your ERP5 implementation based on your requirements.

For example, a complex ERP5 implementation in a large multinational organisation may require specific business analysis skills which only certain ERP5 partners can provide, yet may benefit from cheaper implementation costs through outsourcing.

On the opposite, a simpler ERP5 implementation in a small organisation may rather require a local service for maximum efficiency and reduced project management costs.

Although the two approaches may be very different, they share the common goal of providing the most suitable approach in a given environment.

ERP5 International will help you to analyse your best options in terms of consulting, solutions and partners. It is a free service which can be obtained through a simple phone call.

+33(0)6 62 05 76 14French, German, English
+33(0)6 29 02 44 25English, Spanish, Japanese, French

You may also send an email to and leave us a phone number so that we can call you back.

Thank You

  • Nexedi SA
  • 147 Rue du Ballon
  • 59110 La Madeleine
  • France
  • +33629024425

For more information, please contact Jean-Paul, CEO of Nexedi (+33 629 02 44 25).