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Edit Workflow :
1 - 3 of 3 records
Action State Actor Time Comment Error Message
Edit Current Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:46
Edit Current Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:48
Edit Current Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:50

External Processing Workflow :
1 - 5 of 5 records
Action State Actor Time Comment Error Message
Empty Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:46
Process File Converting Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:48
Process File Converting Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:48
Convert File Converted Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:49
Converted to application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet.
Update File Metadata Converted Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:50

Document Publication Workflow :
1 - 3 of 3 records
Action State Actor Time Comment Error Message
Draft Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:46
Publish Document Alive Action Draft Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:50
Publish Document Alive Published Alive Lu Xu 2024/07/03   06:50