SlapOS: Deploying a standalone master

SlapOS: Deploying a standalone master

This page gives instructions on how to install a SlapOS master without any network access.
It is divided into three parts:

  • Preparation of a medium containing the necessary tools and packages, for which an Internet connection is required.
  • Actual deployment on the offline machine
  • Installation of additional software requiring the association of a node (frontend and Re6st).

Most of the commands given are indicative; however, those preceded by a hash (#) will require changes depending on system configuration.
For lines starting with an hash, changes to be made are emphasized using bold.

In order to follow the procedure, the following items are required:

  • Access to a machine (assumed to be virtual) close to the final environment
  • Any medium capable of transferring data between machines
  • An IPv6 /32 subnet for the Re6st registry
  • An IPv6 /64 subnet for the master (the latter may be included in the former)
  • A local DNS server capable of responding to queries associated with all the sub-domains of a domain
  • A generic TLS certificate associated with the domain name
  • Local Ubuntu repositories if installing packages offline is needed

Preparation of the medium

  • Deploy a virtual machine with the same characteristics as the final environment
    • Relevant characteristics: machine architecture, operating system type and version
    • Set up an IPv6 local network and ensure that it is properly configured on the machine
  • Mount and initialize the data transfer medium
  • mkdir /mnt/device#mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/devicemkdir /mnt/device/{miscellaneous,packages,software}
    • Download the slapos-node and re6st-node packages from Nexedi's repositories
    #wget -O /mnt/device/packages/Nexedi.key -O /mnt/device/packages/slapos-node.deb -O /mnt/device/packages/re6st-node.deb

    Note: you should replace "xUbuntu_22.04" by the name of the distribution you are using. See here for a list. Also, the versions here are provided for example purposes, you should also check the latest available version on that same link.

    • Install the previously downloaded slapos-node package
    apt-key add /mnt/device/packages/Nexedi.keyapt install /mnt/device/packages/slapos-node.deb
    • Find the name of the network interface providing IPv6 and create proxy configuration
    ip amkdir /opt/slapgrid#slapos configure local --interface-name enp1s0
    • Clone the repository containing a local cache software on the medium
    git clone /mnt/device/gakeshadebacd /mnt/device/gakeshadeba
    • Install required dependencies for the local cache
    apt install python3-pip python3-venvpython3 -m venv .venvsource .venv/bin/activatepip install -r requirements.txtdeactivate
    • Create a key pair to sign ShaDir entries
    openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3653 -subj "/CN=ShaCache Signing Cert" -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout /mnt/device/miscellaneous/sign.key -out /mnt/device/miscellaneous/sign.crt
    • Create a list of software served by the cache, as well as a local cache configuration file, as mentioned in the project's

    You now need add to the local cache software to be installed on the offline machine. There are two ways to do this: getting them from Nexedi's cache, or compiling them locally on the VM.

    Option 1: Retrieval from Nexedi cache

    • Locate required software on Nexedi's cache
    SR=""curl "$(printf $SR | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
    • From the returned list, extract the hash corresponding to the current system and add it to the local cache
    #curl -o /mnt/device/software/rapid-cdn-1.0.344-ubuntu-22.04.tar.gz ""

    Note: the name rapid-cdn-1.0.344-ubuntu-22.04 is the one that will be used locally. The sha512 hash is given as part of the previous command's response, and you should use the one matching your distribution.

    Software to be used as of January 5, 2024
    curl -o /mnt/device/software/slapos-master-1.0.349-ubuntu-22.04.tar.gz ""curl -o /mnt/device/software/rapid-cdn-1.0.344-ubuntu-22.04.tar.gz ""curl -o /mnt/device/software/re6stnet-1.0.338-ubuntu-22.04.tar.gz ""

    Option 2: Local compilation

    • Compile software to be installed on the machine using slapos supply
    slapos supply local_computerslapos supply local_computerslapos supply local_computer
    • Once compilation is done, add compiled software to local cache
    #tar -C /opt/slapgrid -czf /mnt/device/software/slapos-master-1.0.358-ubuntu-22.04.tar.gz 16d47c5ab38233146f11c11abdd14575

    Extra step: Using the new master

    No SR currently allows using the new master. If this is needed, you will need to manually checkout the correct branches before compressing the software.

    #cd /opt/slapgrid/16d47c5ab38233146f11c11abdd14575/parts/erp5sudo -u slapsoft git fetch originsudo -u slapsoft git reset --hard origin/erp5-vifibcd bt5../product/ERP5/bin/genbt5list .cd ../../vifibsudo -u slapsoft git fetch originsudo -u slapsoft git reset --hard origin/mastercd master/bt5/../../../erp5/product/ERP5/bin/genbt5list .

    At this stage, the data transfer medium is ready, and neither the Internet connection nor the virtual machine will be needed anymore.
    However, the virtual machine can still be used to compile future software versions and keep the offline computer up-to-date.

    Deployment on the machine

    • Mount the data transfer medium
    mkdir /mnt/device#mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/device
    • Install the slapos-node package on the machine
    apt-key add /mnt/device/packages/Nexedi.keyapt install /mnt/device/packages/slapos-node.deb

    Note: installing system packages (slapos-node et re6st-node) does not work without local Ubuntu repositories, hence why is it a prerequisite.
    Look towards /var/cache/apt/archives and apt-get download linux-libc-dev if that is a problem.

    • Find the name of the network interface providing IPv6 and create the proxy configuration
    ip amkdir /opt/slapgrid#slapos configure local --interface-name enp1s0
    • Setup SlapOS to use local cache by adding its URL and signing key to the configuration
    echo "[networkcache]download-binary-cache-url = = =$(cat /mnt/device/miscellaneous/sign.crt | sed 's/^/ /')" >> /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg

    Note: you should remove the networkcache section already present in the file if there is one.

    • Launch the local cache
    cd /mnt/device/gakeshadebasource .venv/bin/activatepython3 -c config.ini
    • Install the master from the binary cache with slapos supply
      • Warning: the link requested must be strictly identical to the one prepared in the cache
      • Otherwise, the software will be re-compiled from the Internet (or wait forever if no Internet connection is available)
    slapos supply local_computer
    • Create a shared folder between all SlapOS users for certificates authentication
    groupadd slapcommonfor i in {0..19}; do usermod -aG slapcommon slapuser$i; donemkdir -p /srv/slapcommon/erp5-sslchown -R slapuser5:slapcommon /srv/slapcommonchmod -R 777 /srv/slapcommon
    • Request the master with slapos request
    slapos request --state started --force-serialisation json-in-xml --parameters-file request-parameters-slapos.json slapos-master
    Example of configuration
    { "city": "Lille", "company": "ViFiB SARL", "country-code": "FR", "email": "", "shared-certificate-authority-path": "/srv/slapcommon/erp5-ssl", "check-crl": false, "site-id": "erp5", "state": "Nord-Pas-de-Calais", "timezone": "UTC", "zope-partition-dict": { "1": { "family": "1", "instance-count": 1, "ssl-authentication": false, "port-base": 2200 }, "service": { "backend-path": "/%(site-id)s/portal_slap", "family": "service", "port-base": 2240, "ssl-authentication": true, "thread-amount": 5 } }}
    • Set permissions again on the common folder, as they have been redefined by instanciation process
    chown -R slapuser5:slapcommon /srv/slapcommonchmod -R 777 /srv/slapcommon
    • Set up a redirection to access ERP5 instance
      • The IP to which requests shall be redirected is the address of the zope-1 instance
      • It can be found inside the zope-address-list of partition zope-1 using the command slapos proxy show --cfg /etc/opt/slapos/slapos-proxy.cfg
    echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" >> /etc/sysctl.confsysctl -p#iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
    • Log in to ERP5 using the credentials obtained with slapos proxy show --cfg /etc/opt/slapos/slapos-proxy.cfg | grep "inituser"
    • Launch the configurator
    • Go to/erp5/portal_certificate_authority/manage_editCertificateAuthorityToolForm and set the certification authority path to /srv/slapcommon/erp5-ssl
    • If you are using the new version of the master, you must set up a correct configuration with the right users, the following documentation gives an example of how to do it:

    The master is now fully functional. The following steps are optional but recommended.
    They require a node, i.e. a separate machine from the master, and enable the installation of a local CDN server and Re6st registry.

    Additional services

    Associating a node

    • Mount the data transfer medium
    mkdir /mnt/device#mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/device
    • Install the slapos-node package on the machine
    apt-key add /mnt/device/packages/Nexedi.keyapt install /mnt/device/packages/slapos-node.deb
    • Setup SlapOS to use local cache by adding its URL and signing key to the configuration. The cache can be either:
      • launched locally on each node, in which case the IP is the IP of the node;
      • launched only once on the local master, and the IP is the IP of the master, but another way needs to be used to transfer .deb packages to the nodes.
    echo "[networkcache]download-binary-cache-url = = =$(cat /mnt/device/miscellaneous/sign.crt | sed 's/^/ /')" >> /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg
    • Create a user with a Member task on the master
    • Log in to the management interface with the user and associate a server with an access token.
      • For the master-url-web parameter : use the URL given by the web interface of the master
      • For the master-url parameter : the web interface gives a wrong URL by default, so the IP address given in family-service-v6 should be used instead
    #slapos node register --token 20231218-D14F --master-url https://[fdbb:eb3c:1b95:d6c1::a]:2155 --master-url-web --interface-name enp1s0 --partition-number 20 node-1slapos node format --now --alter_user=True
    • Restart all services on the master, in order to refresh Zope cache
    slapos node restart all

    Having completed these steps, a node configuration file has been created in /etc/opt/slapos. The same machine will be used to compile and instantiate software on the node. To do this, perform the following steps with another user (non-administrator).

    • On the management interface, click on Login Account then Token to obtain an access token for the user.
    • Create a client configuration file
    slapos configure client --master-url https://[fdbb:eb3c:1b95:d6c1::a]:2158 --master-url-web

    Creating a Re6st registry

    • Compile and instantiate the Re6st registry
    echo "{ "ipv6-prefix": "fdbb:eb3c:1b95:d6c1::/64", "prefix-length": 32}" > request-parameters.jsonslapos supply request --state started --force-serialisation json-in-xml --parameters-file request-parameters.json re6st-registry
    • Install the re6st-node package on the machine
    apt-key add /mnt/device/packages/Nexedi.keyapt install /mnt/device/packages/re6st-node.deb
    • Create an access token from the management interface and initialize the first node on the registry machine
    cd /etc/re6stnet#re6st-conf -d /etc/re6stnet --registry http://[fdbb:eb3c:1b95:d6c1:5054:ff:fefc:b90e]:9026 --token 18xlhwdzojbyfgevkmsuirsystemctl start re6stnet.service
    • Associate the master as the second Re6st node, in the same way as above
    • Delete files slapos.xml and from /opt/slapos on both master and node
    • Update interface_name to lo in /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg on both machines
    • First reboot the node, then the master
    • Wait for all network interfaces to be created, then run slapos node instance --all

    SlapOS should now try to use IPs from re6st instead of the default configured IP network.
    Please check at this step that it is indeed the case before proceeding, and update all references to old IPv6.

    Creating a frontend

    • Go to the erp5/portal_skins/slapos_cloud/ page and modify the script to force the URL of the frontend (not needed with the new master)
    • Compile and instantiate the frontend service with the same URL as specified in the script
    slapos supply request --parameters "domain=my.domain" "apache-certificate=$(cat /path/to/certificate.crt)" "apache-key=$(cat /path/to/key.pem)" master-frontend
    • Configure local DNS server (see prerequisites) on the frontend machine
    echo "DNS=" >> /etc/systemd/resolved.confsystemctl restart systemd-resolved
    • Set up redirections via iptables, to access the correct port and to access the public IPv4: see the script below.
    #!/bin/bashPUBLIC_IPV4=$1PRIVATE_IPV4=$2PUBLIC_IPV6=$3PRIVATE_IPV6=$4sysctl net.ipv4.conf.enp1s0.forwarding=1sysctl net.ipv6.conf.enp1s0.forwarding=1for CHAIN in PREROUTING OUTPUT; do iptables -t nat -F ip6tables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -A -d ${PUBLIC_IPV4}/32 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination ${PRIVATE_IPV4}:8080 ip6tables -t nat -A -d ${PUBLIC_IPV6}/128 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination [${PRIVATE_IPV6}]:8080 iptables -t nat -A -d ${PUBLIC_IPV4}/32 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination ${PRIVATE_IPV4}:4443 ip6tables -t nat -A -d ${PUBLIC_IPV6}/128 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination [${PRIVATE_IPV6}]:4443doneiptables -t nat -F POSTROUTINGip6tables -t nat -F POSTROUTINGiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d ]
    • Note: for now, the alarm slapos_allocate_instance must be launched after creating a new slave frontend service (periodicity can be enabled)

    Thank You

    • Nexedi SA
    • 147 Rue du Ballon
    • 59110 La Madeleine
    • France
    • +33629024425

    For more information, please contact Jean-Paul, CEO of Nexedi (+33 629 02 44 25).