
ERP5 Application Implementation

ERP5 Implementation Simplified Diagram

The goal of the ERP5 Standard Implementation Process is to describe the sequence and parallelism of tasks involved in a complete ERP5 project with the goal of reducing the total time of implementation.

The process consists of 5 major phases: analysis, development, integration, test and data recovery.

The analysis phase (top of the diagram) includes the following phases: abstract feature analysis (Feasability Study), documentary analysis (Document Research), behaviourist analysis (Use Case), security analysis (Security Design) and categorial analysis (Category).

The development phase (center of the diagram) mainly consists of configuring forms, workflows and reports for each document type of the project, without taking care of any related document or module.

The test phase (left side of the diagram) consists of developing unit tests and functional tests which simulate the real use of the implemented ERP5 system.

The import / export test (right side of the diagram) consists of developing a synchronisation module for the data which needs to be retrieved from the existing system and imported into the new ERP5 system.

The integration phase (bottom of the diagram) consists of implementing any behaviour or report which is dependent on multiple document types. Additionally, interface development may also be required.

Once all phases described above are completed, the implementation of an ERP5 project is finished. Training, support, maintenance, evolutions, etc. follow afterwards

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  • 59110 La Madeleine
  • France
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