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Showcase Patrowl - cybersecurity made in Europe

  • Last Update:2023-01-20
  • Version:002
  • Language:en

Patrowl: Cybersecurity made in Europe

Who is...

Vladimir Kolla

Vladimir Kolla

Vladimir is Co-founder and CTO of Patrowl and expert in Cybersecurity.

Company profile

  • Solution: Patrowl Manager
  • Type:: SaaS
  • Success case:Global Luxury brand

The interview

Q: What is your name?

Hi, I'm Vladimir Kolla, the founder and CTO of Patrowl, a French company specialized in cybersecurity.

Q: What is your product?

We are providing Pentest as a Service (PtaaS) and External Attack Surface Management (EASM).

Q: Is it SaaS? PaaS? IaaS? Other?


Q: Are you a market leader? Who do you consider leader in your market? Does GAFAM play any role in your market?

We consider us as one of the leaders in this field, in which only a few other companies from Israel and the United States are active like Randori, Cobalt or

Q: What are the unique selling propositions of your product? Is your solution different or better than competing solutions?

We try to respond to three client needs:

  • remapping and reusing a company's existing structure
  • aptability and rapidity when coping with fast-changing vulnerabilities and security flaws in corporate systems
  • regular testing to prevent breaches and keep a reliable and performing tool

It's very diffcult to hire in cybersecurity today and more often than not, allocated budgets are proportionally low compared to threats and possible damages. Entrusting Patrowl to provide cybersecurity as a service is therefore saving our clients significant time and budget by keeping their systems safe "as a service".

Q: Can you name users or clients of your solution? Preferably in the CAC40, DAX30, Fortune500, European governments?

Based on Linux and hundreds of small open Source tools, Patrowl Manager is our flagship product and today used by hundreds of clients of all differents sizes and sectors. We serve customers from SME to multinationals and whether it's luxury, food or insurance, Patrowl Manager provides our clients an innovative approach to cybersecurity with a simple interface and sophisticated protections.

Q: What European policies do you suggest to ensure sustainable development of your technology and its adoption?

To increase our position as a European leader, we hope for French and European institutions to double down legislation and rules that we as a European company are bound to (such as GDPR). Large foreign companies seem to often get a free pass, for example with regards to data leaks. Implementing data protection laws on national and European levels is an honorable objective but asymmetrical application and sanctionings make it more difficult for European actors to thrive or sometimes even to survive. Our institutions and governments should also lead by example by not only setting a fair competitive environment, but also by using European solutions, because more often than not, they are also favoring non-European solutions internally.

Q: Tell us about a successful implementation. How did you implement it, why was it a success, where is this implementation today? Plans for the future? How is the relation with the client? Did the client help you get other clients?

It is difficult to write a true success story because of non-disclosure ageements (NDA) we signed with our clients. To give one example, Patrowl has been working in recent years with one of the top 5 companies in luxury world and we're responsible for the surveillance of more than 5000 of their applications and internet websites while garanteeing their data security. Our successful collaboration with this brand has also made Patrowl known among multinational competitors likewise interested in the offer of the French company, which is planning to increase its staff from 16 to 25 by the end of the year.