Most Powerful Open Source ERP

Hyper Open Cloud Pitch

Hyper Open Cloud protects your company's digital independence and trade secrets against vendor lock-in of conventional public clouds.
  • Last Update:2021-05-02
  • Version:013
  • Language:en


  • Hyper Open Cloud
  • Rapid.Space
  • Hyper Open X

Rather than digging further into Rapid.Space, this presentation will now focus on the general concept behind Rapid.Space: "Hyper Open Cloud".

Hyper Open Cloud may be a new concept to most readers since it was created in 2019. Besides Rapid.Space, it is being adopted by other cloud companies such as BSO (220+ POPs in the world).

We will try to convince you why you should consider Hyper Open Cloud as soon as posible for your company in order to gain digital independence and protect your trade secrets.

We will first define what is Hyper Open Cloud and how it is based on open source, open hardware and open service.

We will then introduce in a second part Rapid.Space as an example of Hyper Open Cloud implementation.

In a third part, we will explain how we adress the problem of sovereignty and juridical protection against foreign government surveillance.

In conclusion, we will highlight the relation between Hyper Open Cloud and conventional clouds: the more you use the first, the more the later improves. Just like Linux and Windows, open source and propritary software.

8 common traps of cloud

So, why should one use a Hyper Open Cloud?

The answer is simple: in order to avoid the trap of conventional clouds in 2020, a trap that will cause of lot of problems to your company, cost you a lot of money and maybe even cost you the control of your company.

By adopting Hyper Open Cloud immediately in addition to conventional public clouds, just like companies adopted Linux and Free Software in addition to Windows 25 years ago, you are protecting your future.

With Hyper Open Cloud, you are deploying in your company a different form of cloud service that will make your company much more competitive with a level of flexibility, sustainability and innovation that does not exist with conventional public clouds.

You are also sending a strong message to conventional public clouds. This strong message will make conventional public clouds improve their service and reduce their price.

Adopting Hyper Open Cloud is an instant win-win decision.

A quick win to complement what is missing already in conventional public clouds.

A quick win to prepare the next negociation round with conventional public clouds.

Illustration credit: Mousetrap Vectors by Vecteezy

Cloud without traps: Hyper Open Cloud (2019)

Open Service (2016)

Unlike conventional public clouds, Hyper Open Cloud is an "open service".

Open Service is a general concept which applies to any service industry. It is the same idea for the service industry as Free Software to the software industry.

An open service provides more rights to the client.

The right to use a service without borders or discrimination.

The right to reproduce the service.

The right to study how the service is made.

The right to modify the service and provide the modified service to other users.

The idea of open service applies to cloud but also to any service: operating a restaurant, providing electricity, water distribution, etc.

Open service acts as a new type of player in any service market where leading players keep their operation procedures, operation technologies and operation data secret enough to slow down market competition, hinder innovation and maintain overpricing. Open service consists essentially of sharing with competitors and clients the knowldege and technologies needed for the service operation. The main benefit of open service is to eliminate lock-in problems observed in certain service industries such as cloud or utility services.

One of the first examples of open service can be found in an executive order (2016-65) of the French government introduced on January 29, 2016 in relation to public utility markets. This executive order requires (Article 53) private operators of utility services to provide access to essential data needed by another operator to continue operating the service (thanks to Maurice Ronai for teaching us this source). Although its scope is limited, it was the first time that the intellectual property of utility operators was restricted in order to facilitate service portability and free competition.  

Hyper Open Cloud = Benefits + Leverage

A company which starts adopting Hyper Open Cloud can benefit immediately from all the advantages of Hyper Open Clouds.

There is no requirement to switch entirely to Hyper Open Cloud. The move can be gradual, starting with 1% of cloud loads and growing.

At some point, conventional public clouds will evolve due to this new competition. They will reduce their price, provide better control, protect trade secret better, etc.

Adopting Hyper Open Cloud is thus a win win choice: it provides unique benefits for new cloud loads while improving the competitiveness of existing cloud loads.

Just like Linux vs. Windows did for operationg systems.


Rapid.Space has two web sites: (available worldwide except mainland China) and (mainland China). This provides a global coverage.

The primary service of Rapid.Space is a high performance virtual private server (VPS) at reasonable cost, combined with a CDN infrastructure for accelerated web content delivery. 

Rapid.Space Overview

Key Fact
Founders Nexedi • Amarisoft 
Monty Widenius (MySQL) • Denis Gardin (MBDA) • and 5 others
IaaS VPS • CDN • SDN • Bare Metal
PaaS 85% AWS + Big Data Hub + Edge + vRAN + TSN + real-time
POPs 240 incl. China
Cost POC similar to conventional cloud
MVP similar to conventional cloud
MMR lower than conventional cloud (2x — 20x)
Open Source Software (except vRAN), hardware and operation management procedures
Technology SlapOS • re6st • OpenAOSOCPAmarisoft
Free Credits No

Read online: How does Rapid.Space compare to AWS?

SlapOS vs. Google Kubernetes

  SimpleRAN Google Kubernetes
Open Source
Global CDN
DR automation
Portability (Linux to Linux)
Portability (POSIX to POSIX)
Hard real-time
Shared services
Delegated services ?
Free of export restrictions

Rapid.Space Success Cases

Organisation Country Case
Teralab France Automated operation of high security IaaS 
Nexedi France Automated operation of 429 PaaS instance for developers 
Kyorin Japan Automated build, test, run and operation of a large ERP on a private cloud
SANEF France Automated build, test, run and operation of a large ERP on a public cloud
Stellantis France Automated build, test, run and operation of a small ERP at the edge (factory)
City of Munich Germany Automated build, test, run and operation of a big data hub for construction
Woelfel Germany Automated build, test, run and operation of a big data hub for wind energy
Accton Taiwan Automated build, test, run and operation of data collection sensors


Hyper Open X Project

Participant Role
Rapid.Space Hyper Open Cloud
BSO Hyper Open Managed Service
Scaleway User of Hyper Open CDN
Teralab Operation management data space
SenX Hyper Open Time Series Engineering
Nexedi Hyper Open Big Data Engineering
Patrowl Hyper Open Secops
Ateme User of Rapid.Space Edge for Video
Blacknut User of Rapid.Space VPS for 3D virtualisation and cloud gaming
E;corp Hyper Open cloud for open source smarpthones
OpenSVC Open Source HA orchestration
Signal18 Open Source DB orchestration
VATES Secure paravirtualisation

30% - 60% subsidies

Hyper Open X Outcomes

Deploy Outcome
Rapid.Space PaaS Provider independent cloudification of application with full lifecyle management (build, test, run, operate, account)
Guaranteed portability, repeatability and disaster recovery over multiple clouds and operating systems  
Rapid.Space VPS Reduce costs of IaaS
Increase leverage on conventional clouds
Rapid.Space POP Adopt OCP
Global Hybrid cloud
Rapid.Space SDN Global IPv6 without upgrading hardware
Application delivery in China with latency optimisation
Rapid.Space CDN Private or hybrid CDN
Gloibal acceleration of applications including in China
Rapid.Space Big Data Hyper open alternative to Palantir for data engineering 
Rapid.Space vRAN Deploy private 4G or 5G everywhere

Thank You

  • Rapid.Space International
  • Paris
  • +33629024425 -

For more information, please contact Jean-Paul, CEO of Rapid.Space (+33 629 02 44 25 or